
AVerVision SPC300 завоевал BETT Award

The BETT Awards, which play a key role in identifyingand rewarding innovative ICT products and services for use ineducation, received a very high standard of entries this year andAVerMedia are proud to announce we have been short listed in thePrimary and Secondary Hardware category for our AVerVision SPC300Document Camera. Featuring an unsurpassed 3.2 mega pixel sensor forcrystal clear video, 48X total zoom capabilities, exclusive classroompresentation features, and new software features including annotation,video and audio recording and image capture, the AVerVision SPC300 is acomplete classroom visual presentation solution. J’NelMetherell, Marketing Manager at AVerMedia UK commented “Oursecond BETT Award nomination is a unique and remarkable achievement fora document camera manufacturer and reflects our commitment todeveloping products that reflect education needs. 

With so many new document camera manufacturers enteringthe market our commitment to UK education really sets us apart andit’s great this has been recognised by Becta” ColinPenfold, Director of Partnerships and Commissioning, Becta and JointChair of Judging said: "These awards demonstrate and recognise theexcellent work being carried out to harness the power of technology ineducation. Reaching the final shortlist in any category is an excellentachievement and all the finalists are to be congratulated." Ray Barker,Director, BESA and Joint Chair of Judging added: “Thefinalists have all been able to demonstrate technical excellence,appropriate functionality and all-encompassing support for learnerswith special educational needs. The quality of these learning resourcesis a testament to UK business’ operating within our educationsector.” The winner in each category will be announced at theBETT Awards ceremony on Wednesday 9 January 2008. AVerMedia will onceagain be exhibiting at the world’s largest educationaltechnology event, BETT at Olympia London (9-12 January 2008). Thisyear’s AVerVision stand (D65) will be located centrally inthe Grand Hall. We will be showcasing 2008 four brand new innovativeproducts, as well as a selection of the current Document Cameras beingused in a range of applications and subject areas. There will also bean opportunity to see the BETT Award Nominated AVerVision SPC300Document Camera and chance to talk to our technical advisors andsoftware experts first hand.

About AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. AVerMedia(www.avermedia.com) is the technology leader in Digital MultimediaVideo Convergence Technologies. Aside from its full line of TV Tuners/Personal Video Recorder products, AVerMedia provides Document Cameras,Digital Video Maker, TV Photo Viewer and PC-to-TV Converters forconsumer and corporate/ educational markets. AVerMedia also partnerswith PC ODM’s for the development of AVerMedia’stechnologies for integration applications. 

Media Contact: JoanHsu 

Tel: 886-2-22263630 ext. 3160 

Fax: 886-2-22268751 

E-mail: avervision@avermedia.com

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