AVerMedia представляет новые визуализаторы AVerVision CP
AVerMedia®INFORMATION, Inc. today announced its new gooseneck Visualizers,AVerVision CP series. The new AVerVision CP lineup comes in threemodels - AVerVision CP130, AVerVision CP150, AVerVision CP300, andincludes many new standard yet practical functions greatly enhancingvisual learning and retention for nearly any classroom subject.
Every AVerVision CP Visualizer features revolutionary Shuttle Wheel andLED indicators designed on control panel for easier operation; aflip-to-open LED lamp that allows adjusting the lighting angles moreflexibly compared to the traditional ones; patented storage way withweight only 2.4kg, enhancing the classroom mobility; one-touch AutoImage, a brand new effortless way to get a perfect image qualityinstantly when tuning LED lamp on or off; exclusive Continuous Capturethat allows users to capture and save still images successively inpreset time intervals used to record and review the instructional stepswith the class or share among peer teachers.
The new interactive AVerVision software is applied to all AVerVision CPmodels with redesigned annotation tools, seamless video & audiorecording with enhanced USB transmission rate up to 12fps, Visualizerbasic & advanced control panel, and more. The most significantupdate is Networking feature. The ability to connect many visualizersin one campus together through the existing LAN (Local Area Network)now provides the access to multiple classrooms, or even the entireschool to view and share live visualizer lessons and demonstrations.These enhanced features make AVerVision CP Visualizers more interactiveand intuitive than ever, whether in a single classroom, or campus-wide.
Featuring all standard functions, 850K pixel, and 8X digital zoom,AVerVision CP130 is an entry level model offering the best value forbudget. The AVerVision CP150 is an affordable, yet functional teachingtool of uncompromising quality. Combining 3.2M pixel and 16X totalzoom, CP150 additionally includes teacher’s favorite -AVerPresenter (AVerBox and AVerVisor) that allows teachers to focusstudents’ attention on specific part and enlarge the learningeffectiveness. In addition to CP150 all functions, CP300 is equippedwith quick Auto Focus, an one-touch frustration free function foraccurate focal adjustment to the subject presented in class; up to WXGA(1280x720) resolution making presentation more entertaining;Picture-in-Picture (PIP) and Split Screen features enabling users tocompare and analysis the relationships between live and capture imagesimultaneously.
“Definitely with these new full functional AVerVisionvisualizers, combining its interactive software, more interaction inthe class can be generated.” said Jimmy Sun, the ProductManagement Head of AVerMedia INFORMATION Inc. Now AVerVision CPVisualizers not only provide the ability to display documents, 3-Dobjects, microscopic images, and more through virtually any multimediaprojector, monitor or TV in single classroom but also engage moreteachers and students in entire campus-wide.
About AVerMedia INFORMATION, Inc.
AVerMediaINFORMATION Inc. (www.avervision.com) is the technology leader inDigital Video Technologies and provides AVerVision Visualizers, AVerKeyPC-to-TV Converters, and AVerDigi NVR Surveillance solutions forgovernment, educational, corporate, and consumer markets.
AVerVision and AVerKey are registered trademark of AVerMediaINFORMATION, Inc. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners.
Media Contact forAVerMedia presentation products:
Joan Hsu
Tel: 886-2-22263630 ext. 3160
Fax: 886-2-22268751
E-mail: joan.hsu@avermedia.com